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“Can I afford to have my hair and makeup professionally done?” or “Can I afford NOT to have my hair and makeup professionally done?”


Do you really want to risk booking an amateur therapist who's not a professional and stay up all night the night before your big day wondering if they will actually show up?


Many non professionals don’t even have contracts with you so they can at the last minute take another job that is larger which means more money for them leaving you to now panic and be desperate to find a replacement.


I have had many a bride call me at the last minute in panic mode because her  ‘professional’ hair and makeup artist bailed on her to go on holiday or because a larger booking came up.

Think about the money you spend going to an amateur hair and makeup artist , having a bad experience and then having to start from scratch again looking for a Professional hair and makeup artist and having to now pay for another trial…when you could have just gone with a professional in the first place.


Why we charge what we charge: 



You get the luxury and total convenience of not having to leave your home or hotel room on the day of your wedding/event . You don't need to travel to a shop counter in front of everyone to be rushed and get your makeup done. or to turn up to a salon and told they're running late and they'll be as quick as they can- they now have to catch up on time so you'll also be rushed!


We bring all our products and  equipment to  you so you get to relax in your robe with your bridesmaids sipping mimosas. 

After all it is your one day to feel pampered like a star.

Imagine celebs doing their own makeup and hair for the Oscars…not going to happen.

Celebrities KNOW the value of good quality makeup and hair stylists .



You are paying for

- the training classes and seminars that we take to keep informed and up to date.

- for our knowledge of what products to use that are camera friendly and which to avoid.

- to know appropriate makeup for all age groups, different skin types and skin conditions , and which products are appropriate for both.

-for the different techniques that we have mastered in order to ensure your makeup lasts ALL DAY!!

- to bring to life your vision of how you want to look and feel on your day!!

- to know about proper sanitary conditions. Do you think a £30.00 makeup artist cares about cleaning her brushes ? Yuck!



The cost of our professional grade products and brushes in our kits are in the thousands of pounds......even with pro discounts!

Do you think an amateur hair and makeup artist invests in high end products in her kit?



We don’t back out. We ALWAYS show up. And this is confirmed by a contract.

We take your wedding day seriously, and provide you with the best luxury service.

I know PRO makeup artists’ that have missed family reunions, holidays, even wakes and funerals not to let down a bride.. I know I have.

We give up all of  our weekends to provide you services to make your day FABULOUS and we do it happily because we LOVE what we do…but still we have to price accordingly, and I’m happy to be part of an industry, part of a group of professionals who care, truly care for their brides.




As freelance makeup artist’s we set our prices to reflect many things including to account for time spent with you. The amount of time spent with emails, telephone calls, texting, and face-to-face meetings. Keeping our products and kits cleaned and well stocked. All of these take time out of our working day and need to be factored into the cost. We must cover all the expenses associated with being self-employed. There are Insurance costs, products costs, travel costs, advertising costs, website update costs; and we have to pay taxes too just like everyone else.

This is how we make our living , This is our business not a hobby.


And last but not least:



The confidence and peace of mind that your makeup artist and hair stylist will be showing up to make you beautiful.


When a woman looks in the mirror, a tear comes into her eye and she says: “OMG, I didn’t know I could look like this”. You can't put a price on that! You cannot put a price on confidence and peace of mind.

I love what I do and this doesn’t just apply to brides…it is for all women that desire to look the very best they can whether it is for a wedding or any other special event.


You invest so much time and money and effort to get the perfect venue, the perfect dress, the perfect photographer that will see your ‘vision’ for your day.

And then you want to ruin it all by hiring someone based on saving yourself a bit of money?

The truth is the market is flooded with fake pro hair and  makeup artists and Instagram famous/ you tube experts. Anyone can buy some brushes and some makeup and now call themselves a makeup artist or hair stylist and post You tube tutorials.

If you find a hair stylist and makeup artist that is in high demand , you can usually expect her rates to reflect this.


Between the Wedding Blogs that are trying to sell advertisements, and the amateurs who are just trying to make a quick buck, they are both bringing the wedding industry down.

The wedding Blogs are full of info and tips that brides read...overwhelming you with info. But not all of is accurate information. The wedding Blogs are not fully doing their job.

They don’t tell you about accurately calculating into your budget hair and makeup right from the start. And many brides unfortunately end up spending all their budget upfront on venue, dress, and photographer not at all thinking about makeup and hair until just a couple months before their day only to have no money left so they go looking for the cheapest one they can find.


There is a reason why people say:


“You get what you pay for”.

“If it’s too good to be true it probably is”.


What do you really get when you hire a professional makeup artist?

You get to have a good night’s sleep before such a special day. And you can’t put a price on that.

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